
WHITE LIES nuovo brano

La band londinese torna con un nuovo tour e album – “Five” – in uscita il 1 febbraio su Play It Again Sam da cui è tratto il singolo Finish Line” ascoltabile qui:



UNICA DATA ITALIANA 11 marzo 2019 – Estragon, BOLOGNA

La band, in collaborazione con il Royal National Institute of Blind People ha creato anche un’edizione formato libro dei testi di Five in braille.


We are all hugely attached to this song, and really excited to share it prior to the album being released. Much like album-opener Time To Give, the track has an ambitious structure – one emanating from our love of Prog.” Going on to detail its origins; “At its heart, it’s a simple song about a young couple’s break-up negotiations, I like to hope the music itself takes the listener through the emotional ups and downs. It’s up there as one our best songs and we hope our fans think so too.

 Charles Cave
