Vulture Industries: anteprima video
In anticipazone a The Tower, il nuovo album per i norvegesi di Bergen Vulture Industries, eccovi uno streaming esclusivo del lyric video della title track disponibile fino a giovedì 25 luglio alle 23:59 CET.
Track listing:
1. The Tower
2. Divine – Appalling
3. The Hound
4. Blood on the Trail
5. The Dead Won’t Mind
6. A Knife between Us
7. The Pulse of Bliss
8. Sleepwalkers
9. Lost among Liars
10. Blood Don’t Eliogabalus (bonus track)
Bjørnar Erevik Nilsen: vocals, keys and improvised percussion
Øvyind Madsen: guitars & backing vocals
Eivind Huse: guitars & backing vocals
Kyrre Teigen: bass & backing vocals
Tor Helge Gjengeda: drums & backing vocals