Corrosion Of Conformity signs to Candlelight
Album planned for early 2012 release
Candlelight Records today proudly announces the worldwide signing of Corrosion of Conformity. Since early this year, the band – featuring the esteemed Animosity line-up of vocalist/bassist Mike Dean, guitarist Woody Weatherman, and drummer/vocalist Reed Mullin – has been working with long-time producer John Custer. Now nearly complete, their still untitled eighth studio album is planned for release early in the new year.
Corrosion of Conformity has performed with Danzig tonight at the Gibson Ampitheater in Los Angeles. The band’s final performances for 2011 will be alongside Clutch December 27 through 31. Tickets are on sale now via Ticketmaster and venue box offices.
12/27 House Of Blues, Boston, MA
12/28 StateTheater, Portland, ME
12/29 Westcott Theater, Syracuse, NY
12/30 Starland Ballroom, Sayreville, NJ
12/31 Trocadero Theater, Philadelphia, PA
La Candlelight Records annuncia l’arrivo dei Corrosion Of Conformity con un contratto ad esclusiva mondiale.
Dall’inizio dell’anno, il gruppo che attualmente comprende l’indimenticabile line-up del periodo di Animosity (ndr: loro secondo album uscito nel 1985) con Mike Dean (voce/basso), Woody Weatherman (chitarra) e Reed Mullin (voce/batteria) è al lavoro con John Custer, il produttore che li segue dagli esordi: il loro ottavo album in studio verrà pubblicato all’inizio del prossimo anno.
I Corrosion of Conformity hanno recentemente suonato live come supporto ai Danzig al Gibson Ampitheater di Los Angeles: le ultime performance del 2011 per il gruppo saranno insieme ai Clutch dal 27 al 31 dicembre.
12/27 House Of Blues, Boston, MA
12/28 StateTheater, Portland, ME
12/29 Westcott Theater, Syracuse, NY
12/30 Starland Ballroom, Sayreville, NJ
12/31 Trocadero Theater, Philadelphia, PA